Build all of your apps
What is bit platform?
code, build & deploy
your apps easily
A set of tools for .NET developers across multiple platforms
Why bit platform?
best partner for teams
creating apps with
.NET and Blazor
Instead of using miscellaneous packages, you'll have
a set of comprehensive tools to cover any requirement.
Our products
variety of tools to
make better apps
bit Boilerplate is a Visual studio and .NET project template that enables high-quality, speedy cross-platform development for PWA/SSR enabled websites and Android, iOS, macOS, Windows apps.
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Learn more bit Butil helps C# developers to access the browser APIs that are only accessible through JavaScript in C#.
@inject Bit.Butil.Crypto crypto @code { var encryptedBytes = await crypto.Encrypt(CryptoAlgorithm.AesCbc, key, textAsUtf8Bytes, iv: iv); }
bit Bswup is a set of tools that assists developers in making the most out of the Service Worker when building apps with Blazor.

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bit Besql facilitates the use of Entity Framework and sqlite in web browsers with Blazor WebAssembly.
bit BlazorUI components are native, easy-to-customize, and work seamlessly in all interactive Blazor modes (WASM, Server, Hybrid, pre-rendering), saving you time and making development enjoyable.
<BitDropdown @bind-Values="comboValues" Label="Multi select combo box" Placeholder="Select options" Items="comboBoxItems" Combo Chips Dynamic OnDynamicAdd="(BitDropdownItem<string> item) => HandleOnDynamicAdd(item)" />