Products Demo

It's not just another Blazor component library!

A complete E2E solution for C# .NET developers from one of the best technology partners available

Open source
Full stack
Cross platform
SEO friendly
Magic link
Social sign-in
EF core in browser
Dark/Light theme
Realtime dashboard
In-app updates


The bit Boilerplate is a feature-packed project template that accelerates your development. Watch the video to see its built-in capabilities in action.

You can start playing with its source code here: Boilerplate playground

Both and were built using this project template. With our straightforward setup and a bit of time to get familiar with the Boilerplate, you’ll have a project with the same functionality deployed in production in less than a week. Check out our samples to see the Boilerplate in action across various platforms (you can use as the email and
as the password to login):


AdminPanel sample AdminPanel sample
Our AdminPanel app delivers a seamless and high-performance experience on both mobile and desktop, ensuring optimal functionality across devices.
PWA Android iOS - macOS Windows Playground

Sales (still shaping up)

Sales sample Sales sample
See the speed of a website built with our Boilerplate.
PWA Android (Coming soon) iOS - macOS (Coming soon) Windows


Todo sample Todo sample
Experience the rapid performance of our sample app on mobile, desktop, and web, all built with our Boilerplate.
PWA EF-Core / SQLite inside browser Android iOS - macOS Windows

Platform website

bitplatform website bitplatform website
Experience the blazing speed of! This site was built using our own product, showcasing the exceptional performance you can achieve for your projects.
PWA PageSpeed Insights


BlazorUI sample BlazorUI sample
Meet bit BlazorUI, a lightweight yet powerful component library for C# developers. It’s ideal for building consumer-facing apps and websites that are fast, responsive, and optimized for both desktop and mobile.
PWA Android iOS - macOS Windows Playground Benchmarks
Note: These websites are all deployed on a single app service plan, leveraging the cheapest available plan.

a few words from our customers