Deployment type

bit project templates support multiple deployment type for their web applications.

Supported deployment types are:

Spa (Default configuration)
It's referring to a Typical Single Page Application (SPA) without pre-rendering.
Note: We'd recommend using next options for production and use Spa only for development / debugging.
Server-side rendering (SSR), is the ability of an application to contribute by displaying the web-page on the server instead of rendering it in the browser. Server-side sends a fully rendered page to the client; Blazor pre-renders page and sends it as a static page, then later the page becomes an interactive Blazor app. This behavior is intended to serve pages quickly to search engines with time-based positioning. Statically prerender the component along with a marker to indicate the component should later be rendered interactively by the Blazor app. It improve SEO.
It's referring to a Typical Spa with pre-rendering.
In order to enable prerendering, simply set PrerenderEnabled in Core/Services/AppRenderMode.cs to true
public static readonly bool PrerenderEnabled = true;
A Blazor WebAssembly app built as a Progressive Web App (PWA) uses modern browser APIs to enable many of the capabilities of a native client app, such as working offline, running in its own app window, launching from the host's operating system, receiving push notifications, and automatically updating in the background.
In order to enable pwa, simply set PwaEnabled in Directory.Build.props to true
Server-side rendering (SSR), is the ability of an application to contribute by displaying the web-page on the server instead of rendering it in the browser. Server-side sends a fully rendered page to the client; Blazor pre-renders page and sends it as a static page, then later the page becomes an interactive Blazor app. This behavior is intended to serve pages quickly to search engines with time-based positioning. Statically prerender the component along with a marker to indicate the component should later be rendered interactively by the Blazor app. It improve SEO.
It's referring to a Typical Pwa with pre-rendering.
In order to enable pwa pre-render, simply enable both pwa and pre-render.
Statically renders the component with the specified parameters. It's recommended when the target is building a static page like a landing page.
In order to enable pre-render only, simply remove @rendermode=renderMode from Server/Components/App.razor file.