Create Project

Let's make our next cross platform project a success with Bit.Boilerplate.

dotnet new bit-bp --name MyFirstProject 


--name MyFirstProject 

It is required to specify a name for your project.

--framework net9.0 

Refer to the .NET Support Policy
Server Database

--database Sqlite 
The API project requires an Entity Framework Core DbContext for tables such as ASP.NET Core Identity.

Supported options include SqlServer, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Other.

For the default Sqlite option, we'd recommend installing sqlite package for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.
File Storage
--filesStorage Local 
The API project includes an Attachment Controller responsible for handling user images, including resizing and saving them in the WebP format using FluentStorage

Local option stores files on local hard drive.

--api Integrated 
Select the API mode that best aligns with your specific requirements.

Easily debug and deploy Server.Web projects that serves restful API services, SSR, Blazor Server, Blazor Auto and pre-rendering.


--pipeline GitHub 

Ensure a rapid and reliable deployment by utilizing a pipeline. By selecting GitHub, CI/ CD pipelines will be set up using Github Actions.

--module None 
Use this parameter to initialize the project with a module. The two available options are Admin Panel and Sales.

--captcha None 

By setting this parameter to None, CAPTCHA won't be added to the project.
Push Notification (Native and Web Push)

--notification false 
Setting this parameter to True enables native push notification using firebase and APN for Androiod, iOS and macOS apps alongside with Web Push for Web Browsers.

--sample false 
Use this parameter to initialize the project with a sample pages. Checkout demo sample at Todo.

--sentry false 
Adding --sentry true parameter to the dotnet new command allows you to capture errors, crashes, and analytics data seamlessly across all supported platforms.

--appInsights false 
To enable Azure Application Insights for both server and client-side applications (including web), set the appinsights parameter to true. This option will configure the application to store logs such as errors and informational messages.

--signalR false 
Enabling this parameter will include sample code for SignalR, which can be used to implement real-time functionalities, such as chat, in your Blazor project.

This setting does not affect the enabling or disabling of Blazor Server.
Offline Database

--offlineDb false 
Setting this parameter to True enables SQLite and Entity Framework Core, allowing for the development of an offline-capable cross platform application.

Warning: It is advisable to use this option only when necessary, as integrating Entity Framework Core can increase application size and potentially reduce startup performance.

Integrating Cloudflare and placing your backend behind the Cloudflare CDN will significantly enhance the app's performance while reducing server load.

If you set the windows parameter to false, the Maui project will still be created, but no separate Windows application will be included.

Visual Studio

Note: In second window of create new project modal, make sure to check Place solution and project in the same directory checkbox.