How to use the History class of the bit Butil?
To use the browser history features you need to inject the Bit.Butil.History class and use it like this:
@inject Bit.Butil.History history @code { await history.GoBack(); }
Returns an Integer representing the number of elements in the session history, including the currently loaded page (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.History history <BitButton OnClick="@GetLength">GetLength</BitButton> <div>History length is: @historyLength</div> @code { private string? historyLength; private async Task GetLength() { var result = await history.GetLength(); historyLength = result.ToString(); } }
SetScrollRestoration, GetScrollRestoration:
Gets/Sets default scroll restoration behavior on history navigation. This property can be either auto or manual (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.History history <BitCheckbox @bind-Value="isScrollRestorationManual" Label="@(isScrollRestorationManual ? "Manual" : "Auto")" /> <BitButton OnClick="@SetScrollRestoration">SetScrollRestoration</BitButton> @code { private bool isScrollRestorationManual; private async Task SetScrollRestoration() { await history.SetScrollRestoration(isScrollRestorationManual ? ScrollRestoration.Manual : ScrollRestoration.Auto); } }
GetState: Returns an any value representing the state at the top of the history stack (MDN).
This asynchronous method goes to the previous page in session history, the same action as when the user clicks the browser's Back button. Calling this method to go back beyond the first page in the session history has no effect and doesn't raise an exception (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.History history <BitButton OnClick="@(() => history.GoBack())">GoBack</BitButton>
This asynchronous method goes to the next page in session history, the same action as when the user clicks the browser's Forward button. Calling this method to go forward beyond the most recent page in the session history has no effect and doesn't raise an exception (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.History history <BitButton OnClick="@(() => history.GoForward())">GoForward</BitButton>
Asynchronously loads a page from the session history, identified by its relative location to the current page, for example -1 for the previous page or 1 for the next page. Calling this method without parameters or a value of 0 reloads the current page (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.History history <BitNumberField @bind-Value="delta" Mode="BitSpinButtonMode.Inline" /> <BitButton OnClick="@Go">Go</BitButton> @code { private double delta; private async Task Go() { await history.Go((int)delta); } }
Pushes the given data onto the session history stack with the specified title (and, if provided, URL) (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.History history <BitTextField @bind-Value="pushStateUrl" Style="max-width: 18.75rem;" /> <BitButton OnClick="@PushState">PushState</BitButton> @code { private string pushStateUrl = "butil/history#push-state"; private async Task PushState() { await history.PushState(url: pushStateUrl); } }
Updates the most recent entry on the history stack to have the specified data, title, and, if provided, URL (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.History history <BitTextField @bind-Value="replaceStateUrl" Style="max-width: 18.75rem;" /> <BitButton OnClick="@ReplaceState">ReplaceState</BitButton> @code { private string replaceStateUrl = "butil/history#replace-state"; private async Task ReplaceState() { await history.ReplaceState(url: replaceStateUrl); } }
AddPopState, RemovePopState:
The popstate event of the Window interface is fired when the active history entry changes while the user navigates the session history (MDN).