How to use the ScreenOrientation class of the bit Butil?
To use the browser ScreenOrientation features you need to inject the Bit.Butil.ScreenOrientation class and use it like this:
@inject Bit.Butil.ScreenOrientation screenOrientation @code { var angle = await screenOrientation.GetAngle(); }
Returns the document's current orientation type. (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.ScreenOrientation screenOrientation <BitButton OnClick="@GetOrientationType">GetOrientationType</BitButton> <div>Orientation type: @orientationType</div> @code { private string? orientationType; private async Task GetOrientationType() { var result = await screenOrientation.GetOrientationType(); orientationType = result.ToString(); } }
Returns the document's current orientation angle. (MDN).
@inject Bit.Butil.ScreenOrientation screenOrientation <BitButton OnClick="@GetAngle">GetAngle</BitButton> <div>Angle: @angle</div> @code { private ushort angle; private async Task GetAngle() { angle = await screenOrientation.GetAngle(); } }
Locks the orientation of the containing document to the specified orientation. Typically orientation locking is only enabled on mobile devices, and when the browser context is full screen. (MDN).
Unlocks the orientation of the containing document from its default orientation. (MDN).
AddChange, RemoveChange:
The change event of the ScreenOrientation interface fires when the orientation of the screen has changed, for example when a user rotates their mobile phone. (MDN).