How to use the Keyboard class of the bit Butil?
To use the browser Keyboard features you need to inject the Bit.Butil.Keyboard class and use it like this:
@inject Bit.Butil.Keyboard keyboard @code { await keyboard.Add(ButilKeyCodes.F10, args => { ... }, , ButilModifiers.Alt | ButilModifiers.Ctrl); await keyboard.Remove(ButilKeyCodes.F10, handler); }
Add, Remove:
Adds/Removes a handler to a keyboard key combination.
@inject Bit.Butil.Keyboard keyboard <div>Press Ctrl+F to focus on search box</div> <BitSearchBox @ref="searchBox" /> @code { private BitSearchBox searchBox = default!; protected override async Task OnAfterFirstRenderAsync() { await keyboard.Add(ButilKeyCodes.KeyF, () => _ = searchBox?.FocusAsync(), ButilModifiers.Ctrl); } }